Real Estate Tax Appeals, Negotiation & Litigation

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One of our firm’s primary practice areas is representing clients in real estate tax appeals negotiation and litigation in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. We have attorneys licensed to practice law in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. In Indiana, we represent clients before county assessor’s offices, county property tax assessment boards of appeal (PTABOAs), the Indiana Board of Tax Review, the Indiana Tax Court, and the Indiana Supreme Court. In Ohio, we represent clients before county auditors, county boards of revision (BORs), the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals, and the Ohio Supreme Court. In Michigan, we represent clients at the local level and at the Michigan Tax Tribunal. We have experience advising clients and handling appeals in other jurisdictions as well on a case-by-case basis. Our firm also has a network of property tax consultants and attorneys to assist clients with appeals in other states on a national basis.

We typically handle real estate tax appeals on a contingency fee basis. However, we will also handle this type of work on an hourly or flat fee basis as well.

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