Mandy Jonte

Mandy Jonte
Paralegal and Executive Administrative Assistant

Mandy is a paralegal and leads our administrative support. Mandy joined the firm in March 2018, after 18 years of service and employment at Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana. While there, Mandy spent six years doing field work as an Environmental Health Specialist and twelve years as the paralegal and managing administrative assistant for the corporation’s Environmental Court office.

Mandy received her Bachelor of Science from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University in 2000. She has completed all core requirements for the Paralegal Certificate Program at IUPUI and is currently finishing Indiana’s Real Estate Certification Program.

Mandy is the primary administrative member of our team. She works directly with each of the attorneys and is adept at multiple programs and databases including AppealTrack and Clio. Her responsibilities include the management and tracking of appeals, research, drafting, and filing. Additionally, Mandy often communicates and works with client contacts, court staff, assessors, auditors, and opposing counsel throughout Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Mandy is a Notary Public for the State of Indiana.

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